Monday, August 01, 2011

36 = US

Ne, i wanna talk about US. Which mean, my family and I. Last Sat&Sun I went to my cousin house at Impian Setia, Saujana Impian.

What would happen when all of us berkumpul?! Ne, sure kecoh punya. Ah i forgot, not 36 but only 35. Ayah Su wasn't there.

Can't story banyak2 at here. Dangerous?? Ada?? ㅋㅋㅋ.. I wanna talk about my cute cousin. Seriously she is so cute. 13 y/o this year. A down syndrome girl.

After ppl finished solat maghrib, dia pun sibuk nak solat. How cute when she's wearing telekung nak solat. I admit i laughing + smiling when i tengok dia solat. I bet you also will laughing too if you saw it.

But in my heart and mind, i keep thinking of something. This kid maybe know what is "solat" by doing that action. but she dunno the real meaning of solat and why ppl praying act.

And to those that "normal", that have brain to think what/which things are right but still didnt pray to Allah s.w.t. Oh, You should feel ashamed to ppl like her.

Tidak dapat saya nafikan, pada hari ini semakin ramai yang islam hanya pada nama dan kertas. Na'uzubillah... Betapa sesatnya jalan yang telah mereka lalui.. Wahai saudara2ku, pulanglah! Pulanglah semula! Pintu taubat itu masih terbuka luas untuk dirimu.

Daripada Allah kita datang, dan kepada Allah juga kita kembali.

Wallahu A'lam.. Renung2kan..
Akhir kata, salam Ramadhan al-Mubarak to all muslims.. May Allah bless us always. Amin~
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