Thursday, March 17, 2011


when at school (I will said) bila nak balik nih??!
when school hours (I will said) cepatlah hari Jumaat!!
when the long school holidays (I will said) bila nak start sekolah??! I miss my friend~
when at the beginning of holiday (I will said) hooraay school holiday!!!
when at the end of holiday (I will said) I'm too lazy to go to school~
when think about homework (I will said) ahh, I don't have a mood to do it~
when time to send my works (I will said) OMG..I didn't finish it yet~
see..ahh how I wish to get more than what I received~
habit saya to do my works at last minutes~
and it's really really not good to me~
aaaaaaahhhhhhhh~ tension~ please tambah cuti sekolah!! sebulan pon jadilah..haha XDXD..

Saturday, March 12, 2011

saya rindu~

Saya rindu SAMSHSB!
Saya rindu kelas saya yang 66!
Saya rindu kelas saya yang 34!
Saya rindu cikgu2 saya!
Saya rindu kawan2 saya dekat SAMSHSB!
Saya rindu kawan2 saya dekat other school!
Saya rindu suasana dalam kelas!
Saya rindu suasana dekat sekolah!
Saya rindu suasana dekat kantin!
Saya rindu suasana dekat musolla!
saya rindu air kelapa!
Saya rindu adik2 junior!
Saya rindu senior2 saya!
Saya rindu tempat duduk saya!
Saya rindu semuanya!
Saya rindu nak nyanyi lagu sekolah!
Saya rindu nak baca ikrar sekolah!
Saya rindu nak belajar eko and pa!
Saya rindu nak dengar cikgu panggil nama saya!
Saya rindu nak tengok senyuman mereka!
Saya rindu nak buat bising dalam kelas!
Saya rindu nak buat senaman si tommy!
Saya rindu nak gelak dalam kelas!
Saya rindu! Saya rindu! Saya rindu!
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Friday, March 11, 2011


owh ya. Tadi berita,tsunami melanda Japan. Subahanallah. And then on my wall (fb) ramai betul post said tsunami akan melanda beberapa negara lain,Malaysia too. subahanallah.

Tetibe teringat lagu Maher Zain and Siti Nurhaliza. The lyrics in their song. "Open your eyes, your heart, your mind" and "pandang-pandang alam ini,sambil pandang difikiri".

But lebih kepada lagu open your eyes! Baris-baris lyric nye. Cubalah hayati,fahami dan difikiri maknanya. Dapatkan mesejnya.

" Look around yourselves,
Can't you see this wonder(?),
Spreaded infront of you,
The clouds floating by,
The skies are clear and blue,
Planets in the orbits,
The moon and the sun,
Such perfect harmony.
Look inside yourselves,
Such a perfect order,
Hiding in yourselves,
Running in your veins,
What about anger love and pain(?),
And all the things you're feeling(?), Can you touch them with your hand(?),
So are they really there(?),
When a baby's born,
So helpless and weak,
And you're watching him growing,
So why DENY(?),
What's in front of your eyes,
The biggest miracle of life."

Please, don't just like a song. Find the song meaning. Then,try to think with your brilliant mind. Even there's a song written in your own language, try to find makna tersiratnya. Muhasabah diri to improve yourself. Jadilah hamba yang taat and solehah/soleh. Allah,Tuhan sekalian alam. Allah created everything, we belong to HIM. Sentiasalah bersyukur dengan segala yang kita terima. Daripada tanah kita DIJADIKAN, dan kepadanya jugalah kita DIKEMBALIKAN. Gunakanlah akal dan kelebihan yang kita ada dengan sebaik-baiknya.

"tepuk dada, tanyalah iman"
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Monday, March 07, 2011

something bout NEW~

yeah new school, new class, new table, new chair, new teachers, new friends, new juniors, new seniors, new environment, new subject, new view, new road, and whatever. a few new books and a few old friends. first time entered that school. so far so good. keadaan sekolah tu. about their students?? erm kerek??! tak nampak sangat kekerekan mereka. just a few. but its okay. I don't care. I came to school cause I want to study. so I can just ignore them yang kerek2. ^__^. got same class with ina (of course), atin aqilah, acha and afini. and tadi dapat jumpa adilah!! shafila, izzaty, miena and solehah. and I saw Mujahid too. but yeah. Mujahid busy study kot.. haha~

that school sgt cantik. yesterday went to see that school. what??! *bapak besar la. saya tak pernah pergi area situ. setakat dkt KISAS tuh penah la. and know what??! saya baru tau rupa2nya sekolah tuh KISAS. haha~. first time I saw that school (SAMTSH) agak teruja tengok padang dia yang terbentang luas. *I feel what firzana feel. skip exam today. thanks to Allah.

after that, went to SAMSHSB. my lovely school ever. masuk2 terus went block D. naik tangga, penat weyh lari2 anak. *nak cepat. then pergi 3(1). where's my adik atul?? takde?? *kecewa*. then,went to 3(3), meet ain najwa, ain afini, fida, bal, shela, bihah, syahirah and suriya!! sur, kamu muncul dari mana dik??! make me shock!! sorry lah adik2, tak dapat borak lama2. my mom wait dlm kereta. then turun. went to block C pulak. serious semput saya. *jalan laju nak cepat. g kelas. bagi brg wada sume. g bilik SPBT. pulang buku. then pergi lak block A tingkat 2. bilik guru. sayangnya saya dikecewakan sekali lagi when orang yang dicari-cari tak kelihatan~ ;(.... then terus keluar sekolah. serious saya termengah-mengah *mcm baru lepas merentas desa *faints*

p/s: fir, awak duk mana?? tadi tak nampak. saya saw someone looked like you dari belakang.huhu~
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Friday, March 04, 2011

last day not the ending of everything~

4th March 2011. the last day saya dekat SAMSHSB for the 2nd time. maybe some of you tertanya-tanya "bila 1st time nye??!". 1st time nye time 24th January 2011. dan spt yang telah dijangka, no sad moment for this time. my feeling also different from that day. but perasaan nak masuk sekolah baru tuh still same like when i went to samt bt38.

i went to school this morning. hampir nak pukul 11am. hujan renyai2. *segan*. tgh jalan tuh tiba2 "Assalamualaikum cikgu..".. time tuh saya focus teacher noraini kat depan je. so jwb je lah salam adik tuh kan (dlm hati). dah salam and talked sebentar dgn teacher terus lah jalan masuk kelas. aaaahhh~ semua tanya soalan yg sama. "kenapa ko pakai baju kurung??! ko nak pindah ke wei??! ko nak pindah mana??!". tapi semua mmg terkejut dengan kedatangan sy. td saya rasa macam popular/famous lah.. hahaha~ takpelah. sekali-sekala. keke~ *tiba2 teringat time PSI.semua asked kenapa? then ustazah ckp. kelas nih mmg suka tanya kenapa ye?? saya suke..*

okaylah. some of them wat2 mcm tak nmpak saya. tak kisah langsung pasal hal sy nak pindah. *aq pon tak kisah la wei.. ramai lagi yang kisah. coz tuh terasa mcm popular td. semua nak panggil my name.haha~ . then tadi dpt card from cikgu aimi. like3.

cikgu aimi!! thanks sangat~ really appreciate it. saya sayang cikgu!! ^__^.

special p/s: kak nina!!! nak jumpa akk.. *huggs*
p/s: thanks to all my teachers, my friends, my seniors and my juniors. love each of you so much~ pray for my best~
top p/s: i love my juniors (fida, atul, ain afini, ain najwa, suriya, bihah and ramai )