Friday, March 11, 2011


owh ya. Tadi berita,tsunami melanda Japan. Subahanallah. And then on my wall (fb) ramai betul post said tsunami akan melanda beberapa negara lain,Malaysia too. subahanallah.

Tetibe teringat lagu Maher Zain and Siti Nurhaliza. The lyrics in their song. "Open your eyes, your heart, your mind" and "pandang-pandang alam ini,sambil pandang difikiri".

But lebih kepada lagu open your eyes! Baris-baris lyric nye. Cubalah hayati,fahami dan difikiri maknanya. Dapatkan mesejnya.

" Look around yourselves,
Can't you see this wonder(?),
Spreaded infront of you,
The clouds floating by,
The skies are clear and blue,
Planets in the orbits,
The moon and the sun,
Such perfect harmony.
Look inside yourselves,
Such a perfect order,
Hiding in yourselves,
Running in your veins,
What about anger love and pain(?),
And all the things you're feeling(?), Can you touch them with your hand(?),
So are they really there(?),
When a baby's born,
So helpless and weak,
And you're watching him growing,
So why DENY(?),
What's in front of your eyes,
The biggest miracle of life."

Please, don't just like a song. Find the song meaning. Then,try to think with your brilliant mind. Even there's a song written in your own language, try to find makna tersiratnya. Muhasabah diri to improve yourself. Jadilah hamba yang taat and solehah/soleh. Allah,Tuhan sekalian alam. Allah created everything, we belong to HIM. Sentiasalah bersyukur dengan segala yang kita terima. Daripada tanah kita DIJADIKAN, dan kepadanya jugalah kita DIKEMBALIKAN. Gunakanlah akal dan kelebihan yang kita ada dengan sebaik-baiknya.

"tepuk dada, tanyalah iman"
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