Monday, February 28, 2011


Jika takdir telah menentukan, kapalku perlu meneruskan pelayaran,
Jika takdir telah menentukan, pulau itu adalah pelabuhanku yang terakhir,
Jika takdir telah menentukan nelayan-nelayan itu sebagai pembantu ketika saat susah dan senangku,
Sesungguhnya, aku menerimanya dengan redha dan hati yang ikhlas~
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Friday, February 25, 2011

25th February 2011~~

actually I don't know nak letak tittle apa. kekeke~ hari ini hari Jumaat. so far, I love it. semalam mc, so today dengan rajinnya went to school lah erk. why mc yesterday?!? cause, headache saya came la my dear readers. :)~ so hari ini went to school belajar science, th, PQS and add maths. time science saya semangat belajar then tetibe ckgu stop ckp sambil tunjuk isyarat, saya ingat ada yang tidur ke apa an, semua pandang tempat nurun,ila,senah cm tuh la. but then, dgn secara suddenly with a loud voice sir said "heeyyy!!". terkejut saya. rupanya ada budak form 3 makan pisang then kulitnya diletak dkt tempat yg tidak sepatutnya~ aiiissshh. then wat muka tak bersalah. pelik betul dengan sikap ko~

then, time rehat pergilah bilik guru nak hantar buku nota sej. cikgu tak de. tapi cikgu wawa ada.*cikgu janganlah pandang kami berdua, kami segan~* hahaha.. then time keluar bilik guru tuh I said something to wada (berbisik). then lalu depan pintu yg tempat ckgu laki, kebetulan cikgu(abdullah) berdiri dekat situ.

cikgu : hah, adalah tuh. ngumpat pasal apa lah tuh
me : hehehe~ *senyum kambing*
cikgu : cakap pasal saya lah tu!!
me : takdelah cikgu~
cikgu : hah?!? adalah??
me : takdelah.. continue laughing..kekekeke~

then time balik pulak, saya nak cari cikgu mimah. nak amik "Tiramisu Cake".time dekat depan makmal computer *cikgu xde pun*.kami bertiga diri lah kat situ, saje tayang muka kejap. then cikgu zek muncul. *baru turun dari atas*. then:-

me and fera : Assalamualaikum cikgu~
cikgu : wa'alaikumsalam~

then suddenly ;-

wada : wa'alaikumsalam ....
me and fera : wa'alaikumsalam ???!!!?? *with blurr face*
wada : eeehhh~ *start laughing*
cikgu : dah berangan jd cikgu laah tu~
all : laughing non-stop~ LOL

then start dari situ, bila jumpa cikgu kami bg salam. then, saya mesti pandang wada's face and we willl laugh together~ seriously, it's funny~. I'm tired laughing non-stop today~ XDXD

picture: hyun joong oppa can't stop laughing~ last year picture....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday [Hari Matahari]

Kala malam rindukan bulan,
Seindah pagi menyinar jua,
Saat hati sedang kesayuan,
Berteleku di atas sejadah memohon daripada Nya.
(Maaf ayat tak berapa nak betul,but I'm being hyper cause saya yang cipta..=D)

Alhamdulillah,bersyukur sgt2 because adanya mereka2 itu di sisi. Walaupun hanya seketika,tidak pada setiap ketika. I want to say THANK YOU (gamsahamnida/kamsahamnida) to them. I'm really appreciate it.

Thanks to Allah, cause I have them. Them, who's giving me support and some good advices when I'm really really down.. Alhamdulillah I'm feel a little bit better than before. I know I'm strong, I can.(think positive like I always do before).

Actually, the last new entry. You dont have to read it..seriously I said. Sorry to those yang terasa. But I really mean it.haha.. That's what I feel. I can't deny it. But now,just ignore it. Ok?! Then,thanks.

Cikgu Aimi,yeah I feel more comfortable to share my problem with her (with Cikgu Suria too). At [Friday night] sms with cikgu. Cikgu gave me support and lots of good advice. Want to know what cikgu have said? Hehe.. On last Monday,meet cikgu at sch (sesi kaunseling-sukarela). From that time until now,still thinking. But,like what cikgu cakap "now,I just need a solat hajat banyak kali".. so,If I get the chance,I must hargainya betul2. Don't let it go easier. Must hold it tight..

Cikgu Suria also perasan perubahan saya. Cikgu,I will try my best to be strong. Don't too worry bout me cause saya akan rasa bersalah nanti..thank you so much cikgu. Cikgu banyak bagi nasihat dekat saya. Saya sayang cikgu.

Awak,thanks for always there when I really need someone to talk and share my problem. I miss you so much. And yeah,I'm feel lonely when I was at sch.*crying*. [I really hate what had happened last year]. What had happened?! Nothing right?! Just forget about it. I want to throw it far from me. Can I?! I feel it's better than keep it right!!

To my juniors,I'm really sorry if I've done some mistake,being arrogant or else. Really don't mean to be like that. I hope you can understand what I feel and what make me be like that and my situation. To Atul and Ain Afini,thanks for your opinions and your time that you had given to me to find out my prob and else. Really appreciate it. To other juniors(Fida,Sur and else),many thanks for cares bout me..

Thanks again to All (even I'm not type your name cause anda memang termasuk juga.). May ALLAH s.w.t bless all of us always.

I always and will always remember what cikgu told me :
*Aint no mountain high enough to achieve success
*To be a Psychtrist and take science aint an easy ride
*All things have their own challenge
*Orang berjaya bila dia jatuh and rasa susah, dia bangun and face the challenge
*If we not confident with ourself, then, who else?
*There's always a light at the end of a tunnel

I'm really sorry,and really thanks to all. Pray for my best. InsyaAllah, I'll be better soon. THANKS TO MY BELOVED FAMILY !!!

Don't worry bout me. InsyaAllah,will get well soon from semua penyakit yang menyerang diri yang kehilangan power ini..XD. Love all of you~

"Don't always force someone to like what you like, to hating ppl or things that you hate, to do what you want and else. Sometimes you have to change yourself. Start to like what the others like. Don't be too childish with your age now. Try to be more matured. Understand and cares bout others problem (ppl around you). Don't be too selfish." -fil-

p/s: before type this new entry,ada dalam >30 (in about 3 days) yang opened my blog.THANK YOU~

* Lots of love from ME *
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Monday, February 07, 2011

this is me

25hb january tarikh saya bergelar ex-student SAMSHSB dan menjadi pula student SAMT B38. Di sana saya menimba pengalaman menjadi pelajar aspuri or disebut as ASPUTERI di sana. Alhamdulillah,perjalanan ke sana yang mengambil masa dua jam lebih. selamat sampai di sana pada pukul 9 lebih. Mendaftar di dewan (tak ingat nama dewan)..yeah sekolah sangat luas..

Selepas selesai urusan pendaftaran, pergi asrama..hurm kami berempat dapat asrama lama..same bilik dengan ina and fera..katil same with ina..saya atas dia bawah. Then kemas2 barang. and go to see our kelas (semput + pening naik tangganya). After that pergi outing. And then balik asrama dgn muka yang sangat bad mood (dalam hati meronta nak balik). Then ibu balik.chill jadi kuat tak nangis. ina and natul still xbalik lagi. Then g surau dgn fera, saya nak solat..

Hari pertama dekat asrama. Jujurnya,memang homesick time nih. After maghrib baca AQ. Saya nangis,tak dapat tahan rasa sedih. Pagi rabu bangun 4.15am.. After mandi sambung tidur sebentar. Chill and berazam untuk jadi kuat and bertahan dekat sana. Dalam kelas ngantuk giler. Malam after solat maghrib ada sesi ta'aruf.segan kot. Khamis bangun 4.40am(tugas mengejut bermula) then just do it like usually. Dah cuba biasakan diri duduk asrama.(tangan menggelupas basuh bju guna sabun serbuk).

Try untuk stay dekat sana but sekolah mengecewakan and memusnahkan harapan saya untuk stay. Hari Jumaat time prep ada budak panggil. Our parents came. Then ada urusan sikit2 then kemas2 barang. Then balik. 28hb January hari terakhir saya di SAMT B38.

29hb Jan - 6hb Feb cuti khas untuk saya dan mereka berdua.(yeah public holiday.haha) Today 7hb February bergelar semula as student SAMSHSB. Bapak segan gila. But really not in a good mood at skul tadi. Bosan ramai tak ada. After this i dont know akan terus bergelar student SAMSHSB or _______!!!! Just pray for my best.

Dekat sana(b38) when tiba maghrib until night mesti rasa sedih,sayu,hiba and mesti nak nangis. Before we make a decision,kami mungkin agak terburu-buru but banyak aspek juga kami pikir. And from 25hb until last week my headache cameback. Then today datang balik coz think to much i guess.

Saya rasa sedikit kesal coz tak mohon MRSM dulu. Coz saya tak yakin akan dapat result like what I've got. But nak wat cam mana,can't do anything. Now.. If can, i really want to take science stream. to be a Doctor in my future. InsyaAllah. Pray for me~

"Ya Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang. Engkau tunjukkanlah jalan yang terbaik buat diriku yang lemah ini. Sesungguhnya jika itu adalah jalan yang terbaik buat diriku, Engkau permudahkanlah segala urusanku dan ikhlaskanlah hatiku ini ya Allah. " amin..amin ya rabbal 'alamin..
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Friday, February 04, 2011

MRSM will miss ~

huh..don't blurr2 meyh..not me yang nak masuk MRSM tuh.. cik tak mohon pon .. if mohon ntah kat mano depa anto cik ni hah..

special to my dear best friends :

* I love each of you..
* please take care of yourself always..
* I will miss each of you a lots..
* belajar rajin2 dekat sana..
* don't forget to miss me.. XD
* if you have some free time, call me (for girls)..
* just keep my secret if you know about it..
* nanti dah berjaya jangan lupa kami semua ye..
* jangan main2 cinta tau.. belajar kasi habis dulu..
* semoga korank mendapat kejayaan di dunia and akhirat..
* don't ever forget our memory..
* jangan kecewakan harapan your parents..
* be a good son,daughter,student,friend,khalifah and else..(be a good human)
* nanti story2 to me what happens at there..
* jeongmal saranghae~ ( really love you )
* don't u think u can't before u try to do it..
* life must go on walau apa pun yang terjadi..
* u have to be strong.. like you always be..
* think before you act..

I'm speechless just take care at there...I love all of my friends......