Friday, February 04, 2011

MRSM will miss ~

huh..don't blurr2 meyh..not me yang nak masuk MRSM tuh.. cik tak mohon pon .. if mohon ntah kat mano depa anto cik ni hah..

special to my dear best friends :

* I love each of you..
* please take care of yourself always..
* I will miss each of you a lots..
* belajar rajin2 dekat sana..
* don't forget to miss me.. XD
* if you have some free time, call me (for girls)..
* just keep my secret if you know about it..
* nanti dah berjaya jangan lupa kami semua ye..
* jangan main2 cinta tau.. belajar kasi habis dulu..
* semoga korank mendapat kejayaan di dunia and akhirat..
* don't ever forget our memory..
* jangan kecewakan harapan your parents..
* be a good son,daughter,student,friend,khalifah and else..(be a good human)
* nanti story2 to me what happens at there..
* jeongmal saranghae~ ( really love you )
* don't u think u can't before u try to do it..
* life must go on walau apa pun yang terjadi..
* u have to be strong.. like you always be..
* think before you act..

I'm speechless just take care at there...I love all of my friends......